Wish List

Before you get rid of that three year old couch to make room for your new leather one, please check out our wish list below! This could also be a great way for you to know exactly where your tax-deductible gifts are going. Simply make a note on your check or in the space provided on our online donation form indicating which Wish List item you would like to sponsor, and we guarantee your money will be spent according to your wishes.

A printer cartridge goes a long way…


  • Avery 8160 mailing labels
  • Standard white copy paper
  • Self-sealed white envelopes (#10s)
  • HP Black print cartridge #21
  • HP Tri-color print cartridge #22
  • U.S. Postage


Do you work in print production, or know someone who does, and would you like to donate the printing for our show programs, newsletters, posters, and other printables?


An office angel is someone who would like to make a tax-deductible donation of $400 that goes towards our monthly office rent. We would like to recognize your generous contribution with an online interview on our website!